Friday, 20 December 2019

DNA Organization.

I have been going through my list of DNA matches on Ancestry. I stumbled across some YouTube videos that taught different techniques for putting matches into defined groups. I began by running shared matches on individual that I knew were in different branches of the family. First I separated the Daniels side from the Pettyjohn side, colour coding each including the third cousins.  Then finding a relative I knew was on the Bush side of the Daniels family I colour coded those relatives separating them from the Daniels. I did the same with the Pettyjohn and Donaldson families. Presently I have also defined some other families connected to my great grandparents; Sayer, Umbenhower, Wootton, Miller and Dalziel.

I am still fine tuning my plan as one person can be marked in several family groups and I am not sure how I want to handle this. The descendants of Frederic and Margaret would be Daniels and Dalziel, then the descendants of Frederick and Emily would be Daniels, Bush, Dalziel, and Sayer. If I go back further then it could be quite complicated so I think I am going to limit it to four tops but mostly two. I have yet to see how I develop this. Some cousins will only be in one family such as the James Dalziel's offspring as they are not Daniels.

I have been viewing these family groups and running the common ancestor filter looking to see how each one is related. It has been interesting and fun to do. One of the reasons for this DNA analysis was to verify the connection to William Russell that I had found so I also marked his descendants with another colour and verified each one. So far the DNA connection has held up.

Thank you for joining my search!

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